Escape Room: Mummy’s Curse

Your team has been transported into a pyramid cursed by a restless mummy. Now you must uncover the secrets of Ancient Egypt in order to lift the mummy’s curse and return before the portal closes. Fortunately, you found a journal belonging to an archaeologist who disappeared years ago – look for clues that will help you solve the mummy’s puzzles and lift the curse!

Your goal is to solve all of the mummy’s puzzles and retrieve the talisman in the locked box before the time is up! The first team to unlock the final case will be crowned today’s winner.

Getting Started

  • Select a Team Lead who will open the escape room and is responsible for clicking through the room for clues and items
  • Create a unique team name
  • Open the Escape Room in full screen (Fn+F11)
  • Share your screen and computer sound with your team
  • Assign someone on the team to document what you see and take notes
  • Click to view and explore areas and add items to your inventory

Tips and Tricks

  • Answer the puzzles in any order, however answering the first two first may help
  • Click on the desired area first to use inventory items
  • Answers may be numeric, words, or phrases
  • Punctuation and capitalization do not matter
  • Once you select Start your time will begin
  • Do not leave or refresh your screen once you start
  • We encourage you to work as a team to figure out what to do and how to do it, if you need help please reach out to your coordinator

Ready to get started?

  • Head back to the main room now to check in with your host