25 Return to the Office Activities, Incentives, and Gift Ideas  

25 Return to the Office Activities Incentives and Gift Ideas featured image 2
If your organization is getting ready to bring your team back to the office, it’s important to recognize its potential impacts on employee engagement and take steps to make it a positive, exciting, and inspiring experience. We’ve rounded up a comprehensive list of activities, incentives, and welcome gifts to make the transition smooth and easy.

All signs seem to be pointing to an imminent return to the office for many employees. In fact, research has found that 90% of companies will require their staff to return to the office in 2023.

And there’s certainly a mixed sentiment among employees about going back to the office.

That’s why savvy organizations recognize that their team’s return to office will impact employee engagement and are taking steps to make the experience as exciting and inspiring as possible.

In this article, we’ll share 25 return to the office activities, incentives and perks, and gift ideas to get your team reinvigorated and feeling excited about coming back to the office.

8 Return to the Office Activity Ideas to Get Your Team Excited

a team of people working in their office together at their desks

For many employees, the return to the office will be a welcome change. But, for others, it’ll take some getting used to.

That’s why it’s so important to prioritize employee engagement with a mix of team activities and ongoing initiatives that remind your staff of what they love about working at the office.

Here are 8 ideas to try.

1. Return to the Office Bingo

While your team might’ve kept in touch digitally while working remotely, those interactions were probably generally brief and surface-level.

That’s why it’s a wise idea to let them catch up with one another as they head back to the office—and Return to the Office Bingo is a great way to do it.

Just like regular Bingo, you’ll want to hand out bingo cards to each member of your team. Each square should feature fun and exciting things that might’ve happened during their time working from home.

This can include things like:

  • Became a parent
  • Adopted a pet
  • Tried a new sport
  • Went on a holiday
  • Started a side-hustle
  • Got engaged
  • Crossed off a bucket list item
  • Took a road trip
  • Read a great book

For each square, you’ll want to have a corresponding piece of paper.

Then, you’ll draw them at random and call them out. Every time a player hears something that applies to them, they’ll cover that square on their board.

In order to win, players must get five squares in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

2. Get to Know You Games

Think about everything that’s happened since your team began working remotely.

Your company might’ve onboarding new employees. Staff who don’t interact directly on a daily basis might’ve lost touch. Or people might’ve simply lost the opportunity to keep connected with one another.

And, in order to have a strong team, it’s important to have strong bonds between individual employees.

That’s why it’s great to play games focused on helping people get to know one another better. These can be played whether you’ve got an hour set aside or you just want to spend five minutes interacting before you start a meeting.

Here are a few you can try.

Two Truths and a Lie

There’s a good chance you’ve heard of the game Two Truths and a Lie. 

But if not, the premise is pretty simple: each person on your team will be tasked with coming up with three facts. Two of them will be true, and one will be a lie.

Then, the rest of your group will need to decide which ones are which – and you might be surprised by the answers!

It’s an absolutely hilarious activity for getting to know your colleagues better and discovering fun things about them.

Team Pursuit

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Nothing’s better for getting to know each other than an activity that’s all about using unique skills and finding out new things about your colleagues.

In Team Pursuit, your team will need to get their energy levels up in order to tackle a series of mental, physical, skill, and mystery challenges, earning points for each successfully completed challenge.

What kinds of challenges will you be up against? We’re glad you asked. A few highlights include:

  • Air Band Geeks: Who used to or still does play an instrument? Find at least three band geeks and have them hold “air” versions of their instruments. Record a 5-second video of them playing part of a song.
  • Juggling Responsibilities: Who can juggle? Take a 5-second video with that person juggling three or more objects.
  • Tasty Trivia: You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?
  • Commonalities: Determine your team’s most unique commonality. Once you figure out the most unique thing your group has in common, write a rap or rhyme about it of at least 4 lines. Then record a 5-second video of a teammate performing it.
  • Sing-Along: Choose a popular song and rewrite the lyrics to be about your team. Record a 5-second video of your team performing it and enter the original song’s title in the caption space.

Your team won’t be able to help but have a blast with this activity.

Unique and Shared

If you’re looking for a fun game to help your colleagues get to know one another better, this is a great option because it will show them what they have in common as well as what makes them unique.

Here’s how it works.

Break your team into small groups—between three and five people will offer the best results. Then, give them a set amount of time and ask them to chat until they determine three things they all have in common as well as one thing that’s unique about each person.

Typically, around half an hour works well.

Then, you can either create new groups and do the exercise again or get the full group back together to share everyone’s findings. 

Corporate Castaways

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Here’s an interesting get to know you activity question: how would your team handle being stranded on a deserted island together? With this activity based on the popular TV game show is for you, you’ll find out.

In Corporate Castaways, your group will split into “tribes” to collaborate and tackle fun physical and mental challenges. Each challenge is worth a unique number of points based on its level of difficulty, so each tribe will need to be strategic in how they complete them.

The team with the most points when time runs out will be crowned Corporate Castaways Champions!  

Show and Tell

If the idea of “show and tell” conjures up images of kindergarten classes, you’re not necessarily wrong—but there’s a good reason why this get to know you game is used in classrooms and offices alike!

Set out a day and ask each person to bring something they’re interested in, proud of, or that represents them. Give each team member a few minutes to share what it is and why it’s meaningful to them with the rest of the group.

You might be surprised just how much you can learn about your colleagues this way.

Want even more ideas? Then check out our list of 25+ getting to know you activity ideas for work groups.

3. Photo Recap

It’s one thing to talk about everything your colleagues have been doing while they’re working remotely, but it’s even better to see it for yourself!

When you’re welcoming your team back to the office, you can put together a photo or video recap to showcase what everyone’s been up to.

Before everyone’s set to go back to the office, reach out and ask them all to share some pictures, clips, or fun facts. Then you can put them all together.

You can either get your whole group together to watch your recap as a team or have it running on TV screens throughout the office for everyone to enjoy.

4. Icebreaker Questions

Let’s be honest: the return to the office might be a shock to the system for some of your colleagues. It might take some time for them to warm back up—to the workplace, to their new routine, and to each other.

Icebreaker questions are a perfect way to lighten the mood and get people reengaged. Best of all, you can work these into a social gathering or the beginning of a meeting or even treat them as a standalone activity.

Here are a few icebreaker questions you’ll love:

  • What’s your proudest professional achievement?
  • What is one work skill that you think everyone should have?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing when you retire?
  • What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
  • At a company field day, what’s the event that you think you’re most likely to win?
  • If your job could be anything you wanted, what would it be and why?
  • What’s one thing you can’t say at work that you wish you could?
  • How do you get motivated for difficult tasks?
  • What’s something on your desk, a nearby wall, or out the window that cheers you up during the day?
  • How would you spend your days if you had unlimited time and resources?
  • Who in your life has inspired you most?
  • If you weren’t in this career, what could you see yourself doing?
  • What is one thing on the very top of your bucket list?
  • If you’re not from this city, why did you end up here?
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
  • What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?
  • If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you bought?
  • What’s your favorite thing about your job?
  • What’s something you are really proud of accomplishing?
  • What’s something interesting about your family history?
  • When you’re not at work, what are your passions?
  • If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why?
  • You have your own late-night talk show. Who do you invite as your first guest?
  • What would the title of your autobiography be?
  • What was your favorite band ten years ago?
  • f you could live in any country, where would you live?
  • Snow, sand, or other?
  • You’re going to sail around the world. What’s the name of your boat?
  • If you could have the power of teleportation right now, where would you go and why?
  • When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time?
  • Which fictional character would you want by your side during a zombie apocalypse?
  • If you were a cocktail, which one would you be?
  • If your home was packed full of golf balls, how would you remove them?
  • Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?
  • Would you rather speak all languages or be able to talk with animals?
  • What would you do if you came home and found a penguin in your freezer?
  • What takeaway food represents you today and why?
  • If you could invent a holiday, what would it be, and what would you call it?
  • If your car had vanity plates, what would they say?
  • What is the best bird?
  • Do you have a favorite dinosaur?
  • You’ve been chosen to represent your country in a global competition. What sport or activity are you doing?
  • Tell me an embarrassing story about yourself.

Once you and your team have worked your way through all of those, you can head to our resource to read our full list of 400+ team building icebreaker questions.

5. Community Service Initiatives

Doing good for others makes us feel better. And, these days, employees are expecting their employers to facilitate opportunities to give back.

In fact, 82% of companies report that their employees want to volunteer with their peers in a corporate-supported event.

So, as you welcome your employees back to the office, consider kicking things off with a charitable team building activity.

Here are a few ideas you can try.

City, Park, or Beach Clean-Up

You can do some good in the world without it costing your company a dime—all it takes is some time and a little team spirit.

Consider heading out into your community—whether to a city, park, or beach—and doing a cleanup.

Pick up trash, collect recycling, and spend the day tidying up the local public amenities that everyone enjoys.

Charity Bike Buildathon

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Want a way to give back while helping your team hone valuable business skills at the same time? Then you’ll love this.

With Charity Bike Buildathon, your workgroup will split into teams to build, decorate, and put together an advertising campaign for children’s bicycles.

After each group has presented their bike, you get to donate them all to a charity of your choice!

Random Acts of Kindness

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Philanthropy isn’t always about donating money or goods. Sometimes, it can just be about spreading some cheer and goodwill.

Random Acts of Kindness fuses the scavenger hunt concept with a philanthropic twist. This team building activity gets teams racing against one another to try and complete as many good deeds as possible before time runs out.

Host a Food or Toy Drive

As an organization, you’ve got a ton of connections—and so do your employees. If you’re up for a bigger project, hosting a food or toy drive can be a great way to make a difference for those in need.

It’s not a complicated process to put one together, it just requires a little bit of planning.

Here’s how to approach it:

  • Choose a Charity: Decide on a food bank or charity you’d like to support, then contact them to inquire about what they need. It’s also wise to ask if there’s anything they can’t accept.
  • Decide on Your Location: You can choose to host a one-day drive where everything brings their donations to a specific location, or you can set up multiple collection points and accept donations on certain days over an extended period of time.
  • Promote your food drive: Make sure to get the word out there about your drive. You can do this using email and social media, printing business flyers, and personal outreach.
  • Collect and Deliver Donations: Once you’ve collected all of your donations, drop them off to the charity you’re supporting.
  • Thank your donors: Make sure to follow up and thank everyone who contributed! It’s often nice to send an overview of the drive, including how many items were donated and who benefitted.

Having your team work together to host the drive is also a valuable exercise in event planning, so your charitable initiative also has a team building and business-benefitting aspect.

School Supply Scramble

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Class is in session with this philanthropic activity where your team will be tested by a variety of education-themed teamwork challenges, share a special bonding experience, and support local children in need by competing to fill backpacks with school supplies and donating them to charity.

You can find even more team volunteer ideas in our resource: 14 Charitable Team Building Activities for Workgroups.

6. Welcome Back Lunch and Learns

When employees were working remotely, one of the biggest opportunities lost was professional development. After all, working from home meant less face time with senior staff and fewer opportunities for hands-on learning.

And yet professional development is something that today’s employees really value.

So, you can kickstart your team’s return to office with a lunch-and-learn that’s focused on teaching them something new.

The key is to pick the right topic so your lunch-and-learn isn’t another one of those cringy, forced events but rather something that people really look forward to.

Check out these lunch and learn ideas for your team’s return to the office.

Time Management 

Today’s employees work in a fast-paced environment which means the ability to effectively manage their time is critical to keeping on top of their deliverables, reducing stress, and maintaining work-life balance. With a training program like Practical Time Management, you can help your team minimize distractions and make the most out of their time at the office.  

Planning and Preparedness 

For employees and leaders alike, the ability to anticipate and plan for upcoming projects, tasks, requests, changes, and potential challenges is as crucial as being able to work efficiently and effectively in the moment. So, by hosting a lunch and learn focused on planning and preparedness, you can help equip your team with the tools they need to be forward-thinking and strategic.  

Project Management  

There’s nothing easy about project management. From juggling deadlines to managing team members and troubleshooting issues, having masterful project management skills can make life simpler, more streamlined, less stressful, and more successful for your team and your organization.  

If you’re interested in exploring this topic more in-depth, we recently tapped into our network of experts to get their insights into the most valuable project management skills to possess in 2021 and beyond.  

You can also host lunch and learns that are focused on fun, life skills, or company expertise. Click here to find out more about those topics.

7. Host a Happy Hour

We’ve talked a lot about work-related return to office ideas, but work gatherings don’t have to be all business.

Sometimes the best way to help your employees reconnect is with a social event—namely a happy hour!

If you’re looking for some amazing happy hour ideas, we’ve got a few we think you’ll like.

Happy Hour Trivia

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Hamish’s legendary happy hour trivia features two rounds of trivia questions, featuring four themed categories of your choice. With 20 category options to choose from, you’ll be sure to find the perfect themes for your team’s happy hour trivia.

With pub soundscapes, visual surprises, and warm-hearted humor, Hamish McDuff makes your guests feel like they just had a memorable happy hour with friends in a real pub, while at work! Sorry, HR!

This pub trivia game experience is guaranteed to produce plenty of laughs and lift team “spirits.” It might even include a few special surprises.

Never Have I Ever 

The rules of Never Have I Ever are simple: players take turns listing potential experiences they’ve never had, using the phrase “never have I ever…” If someone has done the action in question, they take a shot or a sip (or whatever other consequence you dream up). If no one has done the action in question, the person who posed the query takes a drink. 

This happy hour idea is a great way to find out hilarious new things about your colleagues. And if you’re looking for some question inspiration, check out this article from Parade that offers 250 ideas

Would You Rather 

This happy hour activity is pretty self-explanatory, but we’ll give you the rundown regardless.  

The rules are simple: each person has the chance to ask a question of another person in the form of “would you rather X or X?” 

This can make for some hilarious responses with questions like, “would you rather have feet for hands or have hands for feet?” 

For some other ideas, check out this list of 250 possible questions.  

Jeoparty Social

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If your team is eager to socialize, have some fun as a group, and channel their competitive spirit, we’ve got just the thing for you! With Jeoparty Social, you and your colleagues will step into your very own virtual Jeopardy-style game show—equipped with a buzzer button, a professional actor as your host, and an immersive game show platform! Best of all, this game has been infused with an ultra-social twist: players will take part in a unique social mixer challenge between each round. 

8. Host a Scavenger Hunt

Now that things are finally back to normal and your team is going back to the office, corporate scavenger hunts are a great way to help people reconnect. These high-energy and engaging activities can be done pretty much anywhere, using any items, people, or places, both in person and virtually.

Here are a few options you can try.

Wild Goose Chase

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In this scavenger hunt activity, your team can get out of the office and explore your city in a whole new way. Together, your team will need to think outside the box, bond as a group, and venture outside into the community in order to complete a series of fun and unique photo and video challenges.

You’ll need to tackle a list of challenges, including:

  • Snap a photo of your team standing next to a large public clock that reads EXACTLY 22 minutes past the hour
  • Search for a business that is open 24 hours 7 days a week and snap a photo of a team member with the sign showing the business’ hours
  • Snap a photo of a teammate next to a vehicle that has an “antique” or “collectible” license plate
  • Head to a nearby playground and take a photo of your entire team balanced on a seesaw. Here’s the catch: everyone’s feet must be off the ground while balanced!
  • Find a hopscotch course or use a piece of chalk to create your own on a sidewalk. Record a 5-second video of a teammate hopping and completing it
  • Stage a martial arts battle with another team in a nearby park. Record a 5-second video of both teams facing each other (with plenty of space between you) and doing the famous crane kick

The team with the most points when time runs out will be named the winners!

Storage Locker Scavenger Hunt

Have you ever watched Storage Wars–the show where people bid on storage lockers and auction off the contents–and thought it would be cool to do on your own?

Even if you haven’t, you can take our word for the fact that it looks like fun!

And with a storage locker scavenger hunt, you can do your own iteration of this show (without actually needing a storage locker to root through).

You can ask your team to find things like:

  • Old computers running on outdated operating systems. If the machines are functional, participants can take a picture of the start menu or a video of a team member using the computer.
  • Videotapes, cassettes, records, BlueRay movies, MP3 players, and Discmans (or even Walkmans!)
  • Old cell phones
  • Old magazines
  • Vintage clothing
  • Old photos of family members or friends
  • Old-school sportswear or gear

Your team can look search for items stored in their homes and share their findings with their colleagues.

Selfie Challenge

Looking for a fun and simple scavenger hunt for your team? Then you’ll love the Selfie Challenge scavenger hunt.

The premise is simple: your group just needs to break into teams and head out into the city (or office or any other location you choose!) to take selfies that match a predetermined list.

To make this extra fun, we recommend making it last for a few days—or even a week—so that you can incorporate some really fun and interesting selfies, like:

  • On top of a mountain
  • At a zoo
  • In a bar
  • With your pets
  • When you first wake up
  • In a forest
  • By a lake

You can also include some quicker and simpler ones, such as:

  • With your team
  • By a statue
  • In a mirror
  • With a teammate’s lookalike
  • Making a human pyramid
  • With a stranger

The opportunities are virtually endless for this team building scavenger hunt.

Scavenger Hike

Nothing helps your team to relax and recharge like getting out into nature. So, consider heading out for a day hike or nature walk with your group and doing a scavenger hunt while you’re at it.

Before you go, create a list of things your team will have to take photos of. This could include:

  • Birds
  • Animal tracks
  • A tree growing out of a tree trunk
  • A stream of river
  • A waterfall
  • Berries
  • Wildflowers
  • A cave
  • Trail markers
  • A beautiful view
  • Fruit on trees
  • Rock formations
  • Spiderwebs
  • Trash or litter you can clean up
  • Fallen branches or trees

This will vary depending on where you live, but you can tailor your hiking scavenger hunt list to align with your geographical location.

City Chase

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Much like Wild Goose Chase, this scavenger hunt team building activity will have you embark on the ultimate urban adventure with your colleagues.

This entire activity is centered around city-themed challenges that will get you out and enjoying your neck of the woods from a whole new perspective. It’s also a great option for teams who are out of town for conferences, annual retreats, or multi-day meetings.

The Amazing Chase

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Inspired by the popular reality TV show The Amazing Race – on which teams race around the world, with each leg of the competition requiring the groups to solve puzzles, interact with locals, and complete challenges – this interactive scavenger hunt has teams following clues around their city and taking on physical and mental challenges to move on to the next destination.

With more teams in play, the stakes are even higher, and the competition is even more fierce.

For even more possibilities, check out our list of scavenger hunt team building activities.

7 Return to the Office Incentives to Make the Transition Easier for Your Team

colleagues working in a beautiful office space looking out a window

The reality is that return to office activities are only one part of the equation. You also need to consider longer-term incentives that ensure your team feels positively about going back to the office.

Here are a few ideas to consider.

1. Implement Flexible Work Hours

If there’s one thing the professional world learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that employees are, by and large, able to be productive, even when they’re not in the office.

And because of that fact, employees may feel—rightfully so—that they’ve earned the ability to maintain some control over their days.

To help support your employees’ work-life balance and reinforce your trust in them, consider implementing flexible work hours.

This doesn’t have to mean letting them work whenever they want, but it does mean allowing them to handle personal tasks during the workday, take breaks when they need to, or start and end their workdays later should they need to.

Before launching flexible work hours, it’s important to ensure you’ve got adequate processes and parameters in place to ensure the initiative is a success.

2. Promote Work-Life Balance

The flexibility that employees became accustomed to while working remotely also helped support their work-life balance.

As your employees come back to the office, think about ways that you can ensure their enhanced work-life balance is supported and empowered, even when their daily schedules have gone back to normal.

This can include things like:

  • Promoting clear boundaries between work and personal life, emphasizing the importance of disconnecting after work hours
  • Providing opportunities for employees to take breaks and recharge during the workday
  • Offering wellness programs and initiatives that focus on physical, mental, and emotional well-being
  • Fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment that promotes work-life balance as a shared value
  • Training managers and supervisors on work-life balance practices and encourage them to lead by example
  • Regularly communicating and reminding employees about available resources for work-life balance, such as employee assistance programs or counseling services
  • Reviewing workload distribution and ensuring realistic expectations to prevent excessive stress and burnout
  • Encouraging employees to use their vacation time and provide guidance on how to plan and manage time off effectively
  • Conducting regular surveys or feedback sessions to gauge employee satisfaction with work-life balance initiatives and make necessary adjustments

Supporting your team’s well-being and work-life balance will boost employee engagement and morale—and will have a positive effect on business performance as a result.

3. Support Workspace Customization

While your employees may no longer be working from home, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to make themselves feel at home in the workplace.

Consider allowing employees to customize their workspace to make it feel more comfortable and personal.

4. Suggest Walking Meetings

When your team was working from home, they had the ability to get up and go for a walk to stretch their legs, get some fresh air, and recharge their batteries.

And continuing to do so is something that’s worth promoting as your employees return to the office.


Incorporating movement into your workday is extremely important. It promotes blood flow, better circulation, and muscle activation and can also relieve brain fog and the physical discomfort that comes  with being sedentary for extended periods of time.

One simple way to encourage movement in your team’s workdays is to replace traditional sit-down meetings with walking ones whenever possible. This can help stimulate creativity and keep team members active and engaged.

5. Offer Childcare Benefits

Shifting back to in-office work can pose challenges for parents, especially when it comes to childcare.

As an employer, you can ease this stress with incentives focused on childcare.

While most organizations can’t provide daycare in their workspace, you can support your staff with complimentary access to nearby daycare centers or by helping to subsidize their childcare costs.

6. Pet Stipends

offer pet stipends as a return to office incentive and perk

During the pandemic, 25 million households in the United States added a dog to their family. For context, that’s nearly one in every five homes in America.

And now, these new dog parents are trying to figure out how to handle their pandemic pups as they begin to return to work.

While it might seem like a small thing, it can weigh heavily on the minds of your pet-owner employees, and you can help alleviate their stress with perks like:

  • Pet Care Stipends: Providing stipends to cover the costs of professional pet care services can alleviate concerns about leaving pets alone and ensure they receive proper care and attention.
  • Pet-Friendly Workdays: Designating specific days or, if feasible, allowing pets in the office every day, creates a pet-friendly environment that allows employees to bring their pets to work, fostering a positive work-life balance.
  • Pet Insurance: Considering offering pet insurance as a valuable benefit, demonstrating the company’s commitment to the well-being of both employees and their pets.

While this won’t necessarily benefit everyone in your company, it’ll go a long way for many of them. It’ll also act as an attractive benefit for potential future hires.

7. Provide Commuting Benefits

Intuitively, you probably already know that working from home eliminates the need for a commute to the office which, in turn, saves employees time in their day.

But what you might not realize is that eliminating your employees’ commute saves them an average of 72 minutes each day.

You can ease the burden of commuting to work by providing perks like:

  • Enrolling your team in fuel discount programs or providing fuel gift cards
  • Offering paid parking for your employees
  • Offering public transit passes or unlimited public transit vouchers
  • Setting up a company ridesharing account that people can use if they’re in a pinch or have to be at the office extra early or late

While you can’t eliminate their commute entirely, you can take steps to make it less of a daily challenge.

10 Welcome Back to the Office Gift Ideas

a return to office gift bag for employees

Think about this: what will your team’s first day back in the office look like? It will probably involve a ton of catching up and getting resituated—but you can also make the experience extra welcoming by giving each team member a welcome back to the office gift.

Here are 10 return to the office gifts you can give:

1. Personalized Note

Include a heartfelt welcome back note from the company expressing appreciation for their return and setting a positive tone.

2. Desk Essentials

Include essential items such as pens, notepads, sticky notes, and other stationery to help employees stay organized.

3. Water Bottle

Encourage hydration with a branded water bottle, helping employees stay refreshed throughout the day.

4. Snacks

Include some healthy snacks or treats like granola bars, trail mix, or individually wrapped snacks to fuel productivity and provide a quick pick-me-up.

5. Stress Relief Items

Consider including stress relief items such as stress balls, fidget toys, or small puzzles to help employees relax and refocus during breaks.

6. Office Supplies

Provide practical office supplies like adhesive tape, paper clips, USB drives, or other items employees might need in their day-to-day work.

7. Tech Accessories

Include useful tech accessories like cable organizers, phone stands, or screen cleaners to enhance their workspace and productivity.

8. Wellness Items

Consider including wellness-oriented items such as a small plant, essential oils, or a mini desk exercise kit to promote a healthy work-life balance.

9. Gift Cards or Coupons

Include a small gift card or coupons to local coffee shops, restaurants, or online retailers as a token of appreciation.

10. Company Swag

Show team spirit by including branded merchandise like company t-shirts, mugs, or other items that employees can proudly use or wear. But don’t limit yourself to traditional items. There are so many thoughtful and fun print-on-demand products you can surprise your team with.

Whatever gifts you decide to give, make sure they’re thoughtful and useful. If you’d like even more return to the office gift ideas, check out our anti-generic list of company swag ideas.

There’s no doubt about it: bringing your employees back to the office after an extended period of remote work will be a massive adjustment. But, with the right return to the office ideas, you can make the experience is exciting and inspiring for your team.  

What is your organization doing to welcome employees back to the office? Let us know in the comments section below!

Learn about team building games to help welcome your employees back to the office.

If you’ve got questions about how team building games can help ease your employees’ transition back to the office, reach out to an Employee Engagement Consultant.