What is Internal Marketing and How Does It Enhance Employee Engagement

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If we were to tell you to close your eyes and think of marketing, what would you picture?

You’d likely be thinking about pitching products to customers, right? Those flashy ads, social media posts, B2B SEO strategies, and promotional campaigns. And that’s absolutely fine, because that’s what most of us think of when we hear the word “marketing.”

Rarely, though, do we think about marketing in the context of promoting companies to the brilliant employees who either work for them, or are considering it. And yet, internal marketing can actually be just as valuable as the traditional, external marketing we all know and love.

So, in this complete guide, we’re giving you the 411 on all things internal marketing.

Let’s get started.

What is internal marketing?

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Internal marketing is all about selling your company’s brand from the inside. Just like external marketing, your main aim is to promote your company’s products, services, and values. But where external marketing targets your awesome customers, internal marketing focuses on the people who come in every day wanting to do their best work—your employees. It’s about making sure your team feels valued, informed, and aligned with the company’s goals. Because when they do, that’s when they’re the most engaged, productive, and loyal.

Let’s see this in action. Suppose you work for a B2B SaaS marketing company, like Accelerate agency. Here, the internal marketing team’s job would be to focus on creating a place where all of its employees feel happy, connected, and motivated. They could do this by organizing regular team-building activities. Or maybe they’d host an employee appreciation day. They could also do it by providing ongoing training and development opportunities. All of these strategies work to make their team a well-informed, engaged dream team. 

How does internal marketing enhance employee engagement?

Now that you’ve got a decent understanding of what internal marketing is, let’s talk about why it’s so brilliant for enhancing employee engagement:

Aligns employees with company goals

What does your company stand for? What do you hope to achieve together? Imagine everyone in your team not just knowing the answers to these questions, but actively working towards them every day. That’s what internal marketing does. It makes sure everyone on your team knows the answers and is pumped to work towards them every single day. Whether it’s cutting down your carbon footprint or hitting other big goals, internal marketing shows how each person’s efforts play a really important role. 

Establishes a foundation of trust

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Imagine your company is making big changes. Maybe you’re merging with another brand or you could be going public. If your team isn’t in the loop, they’ll likely feel tons of confusion and anxiety. This could lead to doubts about their future at the company and, in turn, their trust in you as a leader. 

According to Mercer, trust in employers has dropped from 80% in 2022 to 69%. But with internal marketing, your team stays informed every step of the way. This transparency builds confidence and trust, keeping everyone secure and motivated.

Increases employee advocacy

When you love where you work, you can’t help but tell everyone about it. You’re shouting it from the rooftops, a big smile on your face, telling your friends, family and anyone who will listen. That’s what you want from your employees too, right?

Internal marketing makes this happen by making sure employees feel valued and engaged. When they’re happy and proud of where they work, they naturally become enthusiastic advocates, spreading the word and getting others excited about joining the team. It’s all about creating a workplace vibe that inspires loyalty and creates positive buzz.

Improves internal communications

Clear communication = teamwork magic. When everyone’s on the same page, ideas flow freely and misunderstandings vanish. That’s the power of internal marketing, it keeps everyone in the loop and strengthens teamwork.

Boosts talent retention

Happy employees stick around. With internal marketing focusing on growth and employee recognition, people are more likely to stay put. It’s like having a team of all-stars who love where they work.

Cultivates employee well-being

Work shouldn’t just pay the bills—it should lift you up. Internal marketing creates a supportive vibe where your well-being matters. From wellness programs to a positive work culture, it’s all about keeping you smiling and thriving.

Importantly, mental health in the workplace is a critical component of our internal marketing strategy, ensuring that psychological support and resources are readily available to everyone. This approach helps maintain high morale and productivity among the team.

Internal marketing strategies for better employee engagement

It’s time to get practical! You now know how great internal marketing is for business, but how do you do it? 

Host regular team-building activities and events

fun group activities

Get everyone together outside of work to bond and have fun with team building exercises. You could host a bowling night, virtual trivia, or a team BBQ, these activities build friendships and boost team spirit. When people enjoy being around each other, teamwork becomes natural and collaboration improves.

TIP: Check out how Applebee’s helped connect more than 100 colleagues who had never met!

Implement a comprehensive internal communication plan

Keep everyone in the loop with clear updates and regular check-ins. Whether it’s through team meetings, Slack updates, or a weekly newsletter, make sure everyone knows what’s happening and feels involved in the company’s journey.

Similarly, many technology companies in California, known for their cutting-edge approaches, extensively use internal marketing to ensure their teams are as innovative and engaged as the products they develop.

For instance, our Facebook marketer plays a crucial role in managing our social media channels to ensure timely and engaging communication with both employees and external stakeholders.

Provide ongoing training and growth opportunities

A team that grows together, thrives together. Help your team develop and learn new skills. Offer them workshops, online courses, or even mentorship programs to keep them sharp and motivated. 

Utilize a standard operating procedure to guide the development, delivery, and assessment of all training activities, ensuring that each session is impactful and aligns with our broader company goals.

Because, when employees feel like they’re developing, they’re more engaged and eager to contribute.

TIP: Check out our guide on how to match your group’s learning styles to employee training for some valuable insights! 

Create an employee recognition and rewards program

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Celebrate wins (we’re talking big and small). Shout out your awesome team members in  big meetings, send them a gift card, or treat them to an extra day off to relax and unwind. Recognition shows appreciation and motivates others to excel. Happy employees are productive employees.

Encourage open and transparent feedback channels

Make it easy for everyone to share ideas and concerns. You can do this through:

  • Anonymous surveys.
  • Open-door policies.
  • Regular feedback sessions.

Listening and acting on feedback builds trust and shows you care about their input.

Foster a positive and inclusive company culture

Create a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued. Encourage diversity, support work-life balance, and celebrate differences. A positive culture attracts top talent and keeps employees happy and loyal.

Launch internal marketing campaigns and newsletters

Keep the team excited and informed about what’s happening in the company. Share success stories, upcoming events, and important updates through engaging newsletters and fun campaigns. It’s about keeping everyone connected and proud of the work they do.

Encourage employees to become brand ambassadors

Empower your team to share their love for the company. Encourage social media posts, refer friends to job openings, or speak at industry events. When employees are proud of where they work, they naturally become ambassadors who attract others to join the team. It’s like building a tribe of passionate advocates for your brand.

Key takeaways

So there you have it. Our top strategies for boosting team morale and productivity. 

With these tips, you can create a workplace where everyone feels valued, connected, and ready to tackle any challenge. 

Here’s to building a stronger, happier team together!

Author Bio

Nick Brown  – Founder and CEO

Nick Brown is the founder & CEO of accelerate agency, the SaaS SEO agency. Nick has launched several successful online businesses, writes for Forbes, published a book and has grown accelerate from a UK-based agency to a company that now operates across US, APAC and EMEA.


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